When Was Your Last Cleaning???

July 23, 2019

⁉️Can you believe that half of 2019 is already behind us??? If you have been paying for dental insurance for the past six months – then your half-year dental check up is probably covered!

🦷Come into the office for your cleaning before the summer is over and beat the back to school rush!

Call now to schedule your cleaning today – 908-245-1745!

#dentist #dentalimplants #roselleparknj #cranfordnj #roselleparkdental

Can a Cosmetic Dentist in Roselle Park Give Me Veneers If I Have Implants?

July 12, 2019

Porcelain veneers

Everyone wants their smile to look as perfect and dazzling as possible, which is why your cosmetic dentist in Roselle Park offers so many different treatments to help you achieve just that. But what if you’ve already had some dental work done, such as dental implants? Will it stop you from getting the cosmetic treatment you want? Here’s what you need to know about using porcelain veneers to enhance a smile that’s already been repaired by dental implants.


Happy 10th Anniversary Roselle Park Dental & Implants

We are celebrating our 10th Anniversary! Dr. Oshidar and the entire Roselle Park Dental & Implants staff look forward to continuing to help our patients improve not only your teeth, but your overall quality of life as well! We will continue to work hard every day to give each one of our beloved patients a reason to smile.


Congratulations to Our Spring Cleaning Raffle Winner!

July 9, 2019

“(I) walked into a great atmosphere. The receptionists are the nicest and most helpful. I added my name to the raffle without any expectations and was delighted to have been chosen. I can’t wait to have a whiter smile!!” – Alyssa, Roselle Park Dental & Implants Spring Cleaning Raffle Winner

Her ticket was selected during a random drawing on June 21st. She was all smiles with Dr. Rodriguez and Janinn when she came in to receive her free Whitening Kit.

Visit our website to learn more or call us today to schedule your next appointment: 908-998-4698!


July 8, 2019

Losing one or more natural teeth can have serious negative repercussions for your health, your sense of self-confidence, and your overall quality of life.

At Roselle Park Dental & Implants, our goal is always to preserve and protect your original smile, but when this just isn’t possible, there’s nowhere better to visit than our practice for transformative tooth replacement with dental implants. Our doctors specialize in this state-of-the-art field, and utilize cutting-edge technology to ensure precise, accurate results that will exceed your wildest expectations.

Don’t hesitate to contact our office today if you have any questions, or if you’re ready to schedule a first consultation: 908-998-4698.

Finding the Best Dentist in Roselle Park: Are They Board-Certified?

June 20, 2019

When you choose a dentist in Roselle Park, you’re putting your oral health in their hands – and that’s no small thing! Just like you’d want a skilled mechanic to work on your car or a knowledgeable tutor to help your children, you should be able to put full faith in the person meant to keep your smile healthy. For this reason, it’s a good idea to check whether your dentist is board-certified.


3 Ways Your Cosmetic Dentist in Roselle Park Can Give You A Refreshed Summer Smile

May 31, 2019

friends laughing

As you’re dragging your summer clothes down from the attic, you start getting excited for all the fun concerts and events you and your friends have planned. You enjoy socializing and meeting new people, but you always feel the need to cover your smile out of embarrassment. You’ve tried over-the-counter teeth whitening products, but they hardly worked, and you didn’t get the results you expected. Whether your teeth are chipped, cracked, or stained, your cosmetic dentist in Roselle Park can help! Read on for 3 ways you can brighten and fix your smile just in time for summer!


RPD Dreams Skill Challenge

May 1, 2019

Join RPD DREAMS and the Roselle Park Business Chamber this Saturday, May 4th, from 12-6 p.m. for an afternoon of fun for the whole family in support of our local youth development! Competitions will be held at RPD Courttime, located at 201 West Westfield Ave. Roselle Park, NJ 07204.

RPD DREAMS was established to teach children of all ages how to develop necessary life skills and leadership abilities so they can achieve their dreams. Money raised during the skill challenge event will support local children who need financial assistance to attend RPD Courttime’s 12-week summer camp program.

Founder, Dr. Jamie Oshidar, created RPD DREAMS with the belief that “paying it forward” is the key to being both successful and happy. By supporting this foundation, you are actively investing in our children’s futures.


Sponsorship Levels

  • Gold $1,250 (Sponsor a child for the entire summer camp program)
  • ​Silver $625 (Sponsor a child for half of the summer camp program)
  • Bronze $350 (Sponsor a child for three weeks of the summer camp program)


Skill Challenge Competition Schedule
12pm to 2pm – Ages 2 to 4 yo: Face Painting for all Participants!
Cost: $5/participant

2pm to 4pm – Ages 5 to 12 yo: Full court Soccer Shot &
Lowered Free Throw Contest
Cost: $10/participant

4pm-6pm – Ages 17 yo – Adults: Three-point Contest & Free Throw Contest
Cost: $10/participant

Winners from each group will be eligible for prizes, including raffle baskets and AMC gift cards.


A Spring Cleaning With a Dentist In Roselle Park Can Save You Money

April 22, 2019

Woman getting a dental exam

If you think that skipping dental checkups is a great way to save money, you’re not alone. Many people assume that as long as they’re not in pain, regular visits with a dentist in Roselle Park are a waste of time and money. The only problem is that this usually backfires! Staying on top of your oral health is kind of like keeping up with house repairs – it takes some time and effort in the present, but pays off big time later. Keep reading to find out why your oral health is so important to your overall well-being and how a “spring cleaning” and checkup will keep you out of the dental chair in the long-run!


Tempted To Wait To See a Dentist in Roselle Park? Here’s Why You Shouldn’t!

March 14, 2019

Woman touching her cheek in pain

Many people would say that visiting the dentist isn’t their favorite thing to do. But waiting to get dental care can actually make things more unpleasant in the long run! Not to mention that modern dentists make your comfort a top priority by providing friendly, compassionate care and giving you anesthesia and sedation when needed. Seeing a dentist in Roselle Park is a lot easier than you may think and also helps you avoid major problems down the road. Keep reading to learn more about the dangers of waiting to get dental care and how important it is to save or restore your teeth whenever possible!
